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From Midgard Tales Wiki

Welcome to Midgard Tales wiki.

Gameplay ✔️Introduction | @commands |MvPMvP | 44415.pngWorld Boss | InstancesInstances | Pet ListPet List | Weekly RankingWeekly Ranking | Zeny Lottery MachineZeny Lottery Machine | 41160.pngIdle Vault
Midgard Memory

(main town)

@go 0

Department Store

7776.pngInc Weight & Inventory Expansion | 41039.pngBuff Item Shops | 41110.pngUtility Item Shops | 501.pngGeneral Item Shops | 23719.pngSealed Card Shop

Expedition Inn MvP Card ShopMvP Card Shop | MvP Footprint ShopMvP Footprint Shop | Combination ScrollsCombination Scroll Shop | MvP Spawn Info | World Boss Info
Costume Grand Hall

12325.pngPreview NPC | 931167.pngCostume Garments & Enchant | 951009.pngGlitter Costumes | 952001.pngPvP Costumes | 931197.pngWoE Costumes | 940104.pngRegular to Costume

23154.pngSilvervine Costumes | 950299.pngDragon Costume Hat | 950107.pngLegion Costumes | 950229.pngEpic Costumes | 950072.pngBurst Costume | 950385.pngCostume Reform

942104.pngDaily Costume | 942379.pngRandom Costume | 942467.pngInstance Costumes | Gender Changer | Costume Hats (Pending)

Special Armory Shop

2278.pngClassic Hat Exchange | 25041.pngHat Slotter & Soul Plunger | 44187.pngGood and Evil Exchange | 28946.pngSpecial Shield Exchange

Item Workshop

613.pngRefinery & Repairment | 6443.pngCard Remover | 1000323.pngGrade Enchanter |100025.pngRandom Options Shop | 6635.pngOre & BSB Exchange | 728.pngJeweler

Refinery SupplierRefinery Supplier | 6379.pngLarge Recycling Machine | 1000434.pngItem Reformer & Upgrade Stone Shop | 6228.pngSafe Refiner | 4995.pngAll in One Enchanter


Episode 21Episode 21 | Episode 20Episode 20 | Episode 19.1Episode 19.1 | Episode 18.1Episode 18.1 | Episode 17.2 (Pending) | Episode 17.1Episode 17.1 | Episode 16.2 (Pending) | Episode 16.1Episode 16.1

Locations Illusion DungeonsIllusion Dungeons (100-180+) | Nightmare DungeonsNightmare Dungeons
Nightmare Dungeons Garden of TimeGarden of Time (250+) | Yorscalp (255+) Pending
Instances Constellation TowerConstellation Tower (240+)
Player vs Player PvP WhitelistPvP Whitelist | Heroes vs HeroesHeroes vs Heroes | BattlegroundsBattlegrounds | Player vs PlayerPlayer vs Player | 44416.pngWar of Emperium | Battle of Ranks
Merchants Vending CellarVending Garden | Vote ShopVote Shop | Nyang ClubNyang Club
Item Produce

Forging ListForging List | Cooking ListCooking List | Potion ListPotion List | Misc Production ListMisc Production List

Weapons Equipment Job Guides | 4th Job Mechanics