Battle of Ranks

From Midgard Tales Wiki

All our Player vs Player config has 99.7% skill damage reduction and 95% normal attack reduction, making it almost impossible to one-shot decent pvpers.

  • 1 vs 1 PvP feature for players Level 260.
  • Ranks resets every month.

Feature Commands

@match Place yourself in the match queue.
@unmatch Leave the match queue.
@myrank Shows a list of your rank stats.
@toprank See the top ranked players in the server.

Basic Settings

Every match has max 5 rounds, best of 3 wins the match.

Winner gains 2 BoR Points, while the loser will lose BoR Points.

Gaining BoR Points allows players to climb up the Rank ladder, with a total of Rank E to Rank S.

Rank Rewards

Ranks BoR Points needed Character Bonus
Rank E 0 N/A
Rank D 10 Unique Aura, All stats +1
Rank C 20 Unique Aura, All stats +5
Rank B 40 Unique Aura, All stats +10
Rank A 70 Unique Aura, All stats +10, All Traits +1
Rank S 100 Unique Aura, All stats +10, All Traits +3