Main Academy Quest
- Teacher Anna - /navi iz_ac01 102/44
- The npc teaches you mouse click, [Alt] + [Q] and basic skill usage.
Tattered Novice Ninja Suit, Somber Novice Hood, Novice Slippers, Novice False Eggshell
Novice Main-Gauche, Novice Guard, Cryptura Academy Hat [1], Apple Juice
EXP: 4000 / 600
- Teacher Chulho - /navi iz_ac01 60/48
- The npc teaches you about custom NPC healer, warper and rental service.
10x Eden Group Coin and rental Reins Of Mount
EXP: 20000 / 2000
- Teacher Ritz - /navi iz_ac01 136/48
- The npc teaches you the basic of zeny and farming.
3x Red Envelope
EXP: 100000 / 10000
- Teacher Tim - /navi iz_ac01 86/88
- The npc teaches you about custom @commands.
(C) Beginner Sign, Beginner Support Box(100)
EXP: 200000 / 10000
- Teacher Shalosh - /navi iz_ac01 100/150
- The npc is final step of academy and graduation sending you to Eden Group.
- Note: Once you leave, you won't be able to come back, recommend to do Side Academy Features, before leaving.
Skipping Main quests of Episode 13.1 to Episode 17.2
Service Bell, (1st character reward Graduation Gift)
EXP Boost Buff and Life Insurance Buff