Episode 18.1

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Direction of Prayer

After succeeding in analyzing the Illusion's power in Varmundt's Mansion, your journey takes you to back to the capital of Arunafeltz to uncover a societal division among its people. Rachel was founded by the missionaries who immigrated and preached the Goddess Freyja. However, faith did not resolve the conflicts between the migrants and the natives.

Main Quest Walkthrough Part 1

1 /navi ba_in01 26/266
  • Talk to Smart Ellie in Varmundt's Mansion and receive 400127.pngMini Elly
  • You need to equip this headgear for the whole quest.
2 /navi rachel 182/176
  • Talk to Masked Person in Rachel.
3 /navi rachel 183/170
4 /navi ra_temple 72/54
  • Talk to Anxious Priest.
5 /navi ra_temple 30/142
6 /navi ra_temin 173/40
  • Talk to Officer Dent.
7 /navi ra_temin 174/38
  • Talk to Officer Neil.
8 /navi ra_temin 172/36
  • Talk to Priest Frey.
9 /navi ra_temin 213/87
  • Talk to Niren.
10 /navi ra_temin 174/38
  • Talk to Officer Neil.
11 /navi rachel 137/135
  • Talk to Villager in Rachel.
12 /navi rachel 105/134
  • Talk to Villager.
13 /navi rachel 69/117
  • Talk to Villager.
14 /navi rachel 70/147
  • Talk to Maram.
15 /navi rachel 62/144
  • Talk to Miriam.

/navi rachel 87/122

  • Talk to Merchant.

/navi rachel 107/102

  • Talk to Merchant.

/navi rachel 117/104

  • Talk to Miriam.

/navi rachel 119/103

  • Talk to Maram.

/navi rachel 137/85

  • Talk to Merchant.

/navi rachel 120/79

  • Talk to Miriam.

/navi rachel 108/73

  • Sit on chair and eat Dumpling.

/navi rachel 122/120

  • Talk to Mark.

/navi rachel 70/147

  • Talk to Maram.

/navi rachel 137/85

  • Talk to Merchant.

/navi rachel 41/132

  • Check out the Box.

/navi ra_fild11 354/235

  • Exit west of Rachel and talk to Merchant.

/navi ra_fild10 179/176

  • Talk to Merchant in Rachel Field 10.
  • Create a party and enter the Solo quest instance.
  • Inside instance, you need to talk to Miriam / Maram along the way.
  • Clear the monsters as well along the way.
  • Follow to the yellow mark on the mini map and clear & exit instance.

/navi gw_fild01 273/339

  • Talk to Maram.

/navi gw_fild01 35/102

  • Talk to Maram.
31 /navi gw_fild01 37/105
  • Talk to Imril.
32 /navi gw_fild01 35/102
  • Talk to Maram.
33 /navi wolfvill 143/113

Main Quest Walkthrough Part 2

To continue with Part 2, you need Reputation points with Gray Wolf Village over 1000 and done many Side Quests, recommendation to do all Side quests.
1 /navi wolfvill 180/179
  • Talk to Village Boy.
2 /navi wolfvill 144/151
  • Talk to Suad.

Side Quests Walkthrough

Investigation of Oz Labyrinth

  1. /navi wolfvill 143/113 - Talk to Imril
  2. /navi oz_dun01 27/184 - Go to Oz Labryinth Fl 1 and investigate the crack in floor
  3. /navi oz_dun01 68/284 - Find a box that someone left behind
  4. /navi oz_dun01 65/189 - Investigate another crack
  5. /navi oz_dun01 111/96 - Investigate another crack
  6. /navi oz_dun01 100/92 - Talk with Villager Paul who is struggling to cross and left his stuff behind
  7. Kill 10 monsters in oz_dun01
  8. /navi oz_dun01 100/92 - Return to Paul
  9. /navi oz_dun01 134/56 - Find another box
  10. /navi oz_dun01 110/37 - Investigate another crack
  11. /navi oz_dun02 152/276 - Investigate another crack
  12. /navi oz_dun02 143/231 - Talk to the Elderly Man
  13. /navi wolfvill 143/113 - Talk to Imril in Grey Wolf Village


100 Reputation points and 20x Amethyst Fragment