Costume Hats

From Midgard Tales Wiki

EXP Merit Costumes

NPC located in Prontera

/navi prontera 172/183

Collect EXP Merit points by leveling up.

Use EXP Merit points to exchange for exclusive costumes.

942191.png(C) Mini King, 942171.png(C) Celestial Protection, 942172.png(C) Celestial Globe, 942206.png(C) Mini Evil, 942207.png(C) Mini Lehar

942208.png(C) Mini Marlbron, 942209.png(C) Mini Spica, 942182.png(C) Resting Tent, 942183.png(C) Traveller's Oil Lantern

942161.png(C) Mini Agnes, 942162.png(C) Mini Debris, 942163.png(C) Mini Elena, 942164.png(C) Mini Elumina, 942165.png(C) Mini Berner

942193.png(C) Mini Seyren, 942192.png(C) Mini Angeling, 942194.png(C) Mini Cute Poring, 942259.png(C) Mini Adventurer Pope942261.png(C) Mini Flying Tilby

Event Costumes

Achievement Costumes

Exclusive Costumes

More exclusive costume can be found in Item Mall. Little Pink

Jeff the Doggie 

Tamarin in Disguise 

Iwin the Bird

Legion Costumes
Atomic Energy
Electric Power
Sacred Energy
Epic Costumes
Divine Essence
Over Flowing
Celestial Energy

Dragon Arcane Dragon Mystic Dragon Plate
Dragon Scale Dragon Silk Dragon Skull

NPC Iwin Bird can Reform your Dragon, Fury, Grace, Instinct, Might, Oblivion and Pride hats into Awakened version!

Explorer Bookmark Costumes

NPC Experienced Old Man in Prontera near Item Mall NPC
Hat Name Cost Hat Name Cost Hat Name Cost
942291.png(C) Black Protect Cloth 20x 44592.pngExplorer Bookmark 942294.png(C) Gentleman Poker Hat 6x 44592.pngExplorer Bookmark 942295.png(C) Improved Pursuit System 18x 44592.pngExplorer Bookmark
942296.png(C) Temari Candy Wig 14x 44592.pngExplorer Bookmark 942297.png(C) Flare Fox Ears 9x 44592.pngExplorer Bookmark 942298.png(C) Maple Leaf Hairpin 5x 44592.pngExplorer Bookmark