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ATK% = + 100 + 50 x Skill Level.
ATK% = + 100 + 50 x Skill Level.
Charging Pierce Counter Buff =<br>Final ATK% = x 5% x Counter&nbsp;

== Related NPC ==
== Related NPC ==

Revision as of 01:51, 14 March 2025

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Dragon Knight

Max Level Max Level HP/SP Stats Bonus when Max Job Level

Dragon Knight

RO, Ragnarok Online.

Dragon Knights are the final evolution of the Rune Knight class. Their name is often abbreviated and referred to as "DK". They have traded in their dragon mounts for mature dragon mounts and are ready to do some serious damage with an arsenal of new powerful attacks while also having the highest HP pool compared to other classes.

  • Base Level: 275
  • Job Level: 55
  • Base Max HP: 57500
  • Base Max SP: 2000

Str+6, Agi+8, Vit+7, Int+8, Dex+8, Luk+6

Pow+10, Sta+6, Wis+3, Spl+5, Con+6, Ctr+8

4th Job Skills

4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Servant WeaponServant Weapon

Basic Info Skill Animation Description Formula
  • Max Level 5
  • Active Support
  • Single Self Target
  • Range 1 Cell
  • Hit Count: 3x
  • Element: Weapon
  • AP Recovery: 6x Skill Level
  • Costs: 70 SP
  • AfterCastActDelay(ms): 500
  • Cooldown(ms):
    1. 30000
    2. 60000
    3. 90000
    4. 120000
    5. 150000
  • No Dispell, No Banishing Buster, No Clearance.
4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Servant Weapon Controls weapon bodies in aura form, which inflicts additional damage when dealing three melee physical attacks and enemies within 9x9 cells.
You can control up to 5 Weapon Auras and the charging time as well as the activation chance depends on the skill level.
Damage additionally increases according to the caster's Base Level, POW, can inflict half of the total Critical Damage based on the caster's Critical chance.
  1. ATK 1450% per Hit, Duration: 30 seconds
  2. ATK 2300% per Hit, Duration: 60 seconds
  3. ATK 3150% per Hit, Duration: 90 seconds
  4. ATK 4000% per Hit, Duration: 120 seconds
  5. ATK 4850% per Hit, Duration: 150 seconds
ATK% = -100 + 600 + 850 x Skill Level.
ATK% = + 5 x POW.
ATK% = x Base Level / 100.

Chance = 5% x Skill Level

Item Boosts Equipment Combo Boosts

600016.pngThanatos Great Sword-AD [2]

311272.pngGlacier Magic Orb (Servant Weapon)

312200.pngDragon Knight Soul (Servant Weapon)

24919.pngStorm Servant Pendant Shadow

400628.pngFurious Crown (Dragon Knight) [1]

600059.pngFurious Slayer [2]

600016.pngThanatos Great Sword-AD [2] + 311367.pngEarth Magic (Warrior) Lv. 1 - Lv.3

490166.pngHeroic Token (Dragon Knight) [1] + 600023.pngOriental Sword-LT [2]

4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Servant Weapon SignServant Weapon - Sign

Basic Info Skill Animation Description Formula
  • Max Level 5
  • Active Support
  • Single Other Target
  • Range 9 Cells
  • Costs: 15 SP
  • Need 1 Servant Weapon Aura
  • No Dispell, No Banishing Buster, No Clearance.
  • Removed on Map Change.
4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Servant Weapon Sign

Weapon Aura skill.
Throws 1 Weapon Aura at a target, leaving a mark required for Servant Weapon - Phantom and Servant Weapon - Demolition.

  1. Mark Duration: 2 seconds
  2. Mark Duration: 4 seconds
  3. Mark Duration: 6 seconds
  4. Mark Duration: 8 seconds
  5. Mark Duration: 10 seconds

Only players and monsters can be marked.

Max 1 mark per target.

4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Servant Weapon PhantomServant Weapon - Phantom

Basic Info Skill Animation Description Formula
  • Max Level 5
  • Active Physical Melee
  • Single Other Target
  • Range 9 Cells
  • Hit Count: 5x
  • Element: Weapon
  • Costs: 40 SP
  • Need 5 Servant Weapon Aura
  • Cooldown(ms): 500
  • FixedCastTime(ms): 500
4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Servant Weapon Phantom Weapon Aura skill.
Instantly dashes to a target and deals melee physical damage by consuming every Weapon Aura to enemies marked by Servant Weapon - Sign 7x7 cells around the target and can inflict Deep Blind status 5x5 cells around the target.
The damage depends on the amount of Weapon Auras consumed and further increases based on the caster's Base Level, POW and can trigger critical damage based on the caster's Critical chance, but inflicts only half of the total critical damage.
  1. ATK 500%, Deep Blind Chance: 40%
  2. ATK 800%, Deep Blind Chance: 50%
  3. ATK 1100%, Deep Blind Chance: 60%
  4. ATK 1400%, Deep Blind Chance: 70%
  5. ATK 1700%, Deep Blind Chance: 80%
ATK% = -100 + 200 + 300 x Skill Level.
ATK% = + 5 x POW.
ATK% = x Base Level / 100.

Deep Blind duration: 20000 ms

4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Servant Weapon DemolitionServant Weapon - Demolition

Basic Info Skill Animation Description Formula
  • Max Level 5
  • Active Physical Melee
  • Enemies around Caster
  • Hit Count: 5x
  • Element: Weapon
  • AP Recovery: 2
  • Costs: 50 SP
  • Need 5 Servant Weapon Aura
  • AfterCastActDelay(ms): 500
  • Cooldown(ms): 500
Dragon_Knight#Servant_Weapon_-_Demolition Weapon Aura skill.
Consumes all Weapon Auras to inflict melee physical damage based on the amount of consumed Weapon Auras to enemies 13x13 cells around you which are marked by FServant Weapon - Sign and restores Weapon Auras equal to the amount of targets hit. 
The damage further increases based on the caster's Base Level, POW and can trigger critical damage based on the caster's Critical chance, but inflicts only half of the total critical damage
  1. ATK 500% per Hit
  2. ATK 1000% per Hit
  3. ATK 1500% per Hit
  4. ATK 2000% per Hit
  5. ATK 2500% per Hit
ATK% = -100 + 500 x Skill Level.
ATK% = + 5 x POW.
ATK% = x Base Level / 100.

4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Two Handed DefenseTwo Handed Defense

Basic Info Skill Animation Description Formula
  • Max Level 10
  • Passive

When equipped with Two-Handed Sword, Two-Handed Spear or Two-Handed Axe, decreases physical damage taken from enemies depending on their size and increases RES & MRES.

  1. Small: 1%, Medium: 2%, Large: 3%, RES: 5, MRES: 3
  2. Small: 2%, Medium: 3%, Large: 5%, RES: 10, MRES: 6
  3. Small: 3%, Medium: 5%, Large: 7%, RES: 15, MRES: 9
  4. Small: 4%, Medium: 6%, Large: 9%, RES: 20, MRES: 12
  5. Small: 5%, Medium: 8%, Large: 10%, RES: 25, MRES: 15
  6. Small: 6%, Medium: 9%, Large: 12%, RES: 30, MRES: 18
  7. Small: 7%, Medium: 11%, Large: 13%, RES: 35, MRES: 21
  8. Small: 8%, Medium: 12%, Large: 15%, RES: 40, MRES: 24
  9. Small: 9%, Medium: 14%, Large: 16%, RES: 45, MRES: 27
  10. Small: 10%, Medium: 15%, Large: 18%, RES: 50, MRES: 30

4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Charging PierceCharging Pierce

Basic Info Skill Animation Description Formula
  • Max Level 10
  • Active Supportive
  • Single Self Target
  • Costs: 70 SP
  • AfterCastActDelay(ms): 500
  • Cooldown(ms): 60000
  • Can be dispelled.
4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Charging Pierce Using Madness Crusher or Dragonic Pierce accumulates an Charging Counter during this skill's duration. 
The Charging Counter lasts 10 seconds and if it's not charged again within 10 seconds it will be reseted. 
The Charging Counter can be stacked up to 10 times.
Increases the final damage of Madness Crusher and Dragonic Pierece by 5% on every counter added, up to 10 counters.
Requires Spear or Two-Handed Sword.
Duration: 80 + 10 sec x Skill Level

4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Hack and SlasherHack and Slasher

Basic Info Skill Animation Description Formula
  • Max Level 10
  • Active Physical
  • Single Other Target
  • Range 2 Cells (Spear 7 Cells)
  • Hit Count: 2x
  • Element: Weapon
  • Costs: 72 SP
  • AfterCastActDelay(ms): 250
  • Cooldown(ms): 700
4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Hack and Slasher

Swings the weapon at the target and surrounding enemies to inflict physical damage twice.
If a Two-Handed Sword is equipped, it inflicts melee physical damage.
If a Two-Handed Spear is equipped, it inflicts ranged physical damage and increases the Range to 7 cells.
Damage additionally increases according to the caster's Base Level and POW, can inflict Critical Damage based on the caster's Critical chance.
Requires Two-Handed Spear or Two-Handed Sword.

  1. ATK 1170%/AoE: 3x3 cells
  2. ATK 1990%/AoE: 3x3 cells
  3. ATK 2810%/AoE: 3x3 cells
  4. ATK 3630%/AoE: 3x3 cells
  5. ATK 4450%/AoE: 5x5 cells
  6. ATK 5270%/AoE: 5x5 cells
  7. ATK 6090%/AoE: 5x5 cells
  8. ATK 6910%/AoE: 5x5 cells
  9. ATK 7730%/AoE: 7x7 cells
  10. ATK 8550%/AoE: 7x7 cells

ATK% = -100 + 350 + 820 x Skill Level.

ATK% = + 7 x POW.

ATK% = x Base Level / 100.

Vigor Buff = 

ATK% = + 50 x VIGOR Skill

Item Boosts Equipment Combo Boosts

21063.pngSolid Claymore [2]

400529.pngDimensions Crown (Dragon Knight) [1]

600041.pngExecution Great Sword [2]

600054.pngDimensions Dragon Sword [2]

311030.pngHack and Slasher Tuning Device

311138.pngIce Magic Orb (Dragonic Breach)

311273.pngGlacier Magic Orb (Hack And Slasher)

312202.pngDragon Knight Soul (Hack and Slasher)

313059.pngDragon Knight Stone (Lower II)

400374.pngCrown of Good and Evil (Dragon Knight) [1] + 312021.pngEvil Spell +600041.pngExecution Great Sword [2]

400374.pngCrown of Good and Evil (Dragon Knight) [1] + 600041.pngExecution Great Sword [2]

312021.pngEvil Spell + 312450.pngEvil Vigor (Dragon Knight)

600054.pngDimensions Dragon Sword [2] + 400529.pngDimensions Crown (Dragon Knight) [1]

313059.pngDragon Knight Stone (Lower II) + 310882.pngRune Knight Stone(Upper II)

4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Storm SlashStorm Slash

Basic Info Skill Animation Description Formula
  • Max Level 5
  • Active Physical Melee
  • Single Other Target
  • Range 2 Cells
  • Hit Count: 2x
  • Element: Weapon
  • AP Recovery: 2
  • Costs: 55 SP
  • AfterCastActDelay(ms): 500
  • Cooldown(ms): 350
4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Storm Slash

Cuts a target several times with melee physical damage and has a chance of 100% to double the skill damage when under Giant Growth status.
Damage additionally increases according to the caster's Base Level, POW and can inflict half of the total Critical Damage based on the caster's Critical chance.
Requires Two-Handed Sword or Two-Handed Axe.

  1. ATK 1050% per Hit, 1 Hit
  2. ATK 1800% per Hit, 2 Hits
  3. ATK 2550% per Hit, 3 Hits
  4. ATK 3300% per Hit, 4 Hits
  5. ATK 4050% per Hit, 5 Hits

ATK% = -100 + 300 + 750 x Skill Level.

ATK% = + 5 x POW.

ATK% = x Base Level / 100.

Vigor Buff = 

ATK% = + 50 x VIGOR Skill

Giant Growth Buff (100%): 2x skill damage. 

Item Boosts Equipment Combo Boosts

21063.pngSolid Claymore [2]

600013.pngFortified Claymore [2]

600014.pngPoenitentia Ensis [2]

600031.pngFlush Claw Sword [2]

600041.pngExecution Great Sword [2]

311029.pngStorm Slash Tuning Device

311139.pngIce Magic Orb (Cutter Break)

311275.pngGlacier Magic Orb (Storm Slash)

312201.pngDragon Knight Soul (Storm Slash)

400266.pngIgnis Cap-LT [1] + 600018.pngVivatus Fides Two-handed Sword [2]

400374.pngCrown of Good and Evil (Dragon Knight) [1] + 312021.pngEvil Spell +600041.pngExecution Great Sword [2]

400374.pngCrown of Good and Evil (Dragon Knight) [1] + 600041.pngExecution Great Sword [2]

312021.pngEvil Spell + 312450.pngEvil Vigor (Dragon Knight)

600054.pngDimensions Dragon Sword [2] + 400529.pngDimensions Crown (Dragon Knight) [1]

313059.pngDragon Knight Stone (Lower II) + 310883.pngRune Knight Stone(Lower)

4th Job Dragon Knight Skill VigorVigor

Basic Info Skill Animation Description Formula
  • Max Level 10
  • Active Supportive
  • Single Self Target
  • Costs: 100 SP, 125 AP
  • Cooldown(ms): 60000
  • Can be dispelled.
4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Vigor

Increases melee physical damage during the skill's duration.

Increases skill damage of Storm Slash, Hack and Slasher.
Each attack consumes a certain amount of HP and increases the physical damage against Demi-Human and Angel monsters.

  1. Damage +115%, Demi-Human/Angel: additional +10%, HP Cost: 100
  2. Damage +130%, Demi-Human/Angel: additional +20%, HP Cost: 90
  3. Damage +145%, Demi-Human/Angel: additional +30%, HP Cost: 80
  4. Damage +160%, Demi-Human/Angel: additional +40%, HP Cost: 70
  5. Damage +175%, Demi-Human/Angel: additional +50%, HP Cost: 60
  6. Damage +190%, Demi-Human/Angel: additional +60%, HP Cost: 50
  7. Damage +205%, Demi-Human/Angel: additional +70%, HP Cost: 40
  8. Damage +220%, Demi-Human/Angel: additional +80%, HP Cost: 30
  9. Damage +235%, Demi-Human/Angel: additional +90%, HP Cost: 20
  10. Damage +250%, Demi-Human/Angel: additional +100%, HP Cost: 10

Duration: 30 sec x Skill Level

Normal melee attack damage boost.

Regular: 100 + 15 x Skill Level

Demi-Human/Angel additional: 10 x Skill Level

4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Madness CrusherMadness Crusher

Basic Info Skill Animation Description Formula
  • Max Level 5
  • Active Physical Ranged
  • Single Other Target
  • Range 7 Cells
  • Element: Weapon
  • AP Recovery: 3
  • Costs: 55 SP
  • AfterCastActDelay(ms): 500
  • Cooldown(ms): 350
  • FixedCastTime(ms): 500
4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Madness Crusher

Strikes the target with ranged physical damage and enemies around the target.
Damage additionally increases according to the caster's Base Level, POW and the Weapon's Level and Weight.
Requires Two-Handed Spear or Two-Handed Sword.

  1. ATK 4800%/AoE: 3x3 cells
  2. ATK 8600%/AoE: 5x5 cells
  3. ATK 12400%/AoE: 5x5 cells
  4. ATK 16200%/AoE: 7x7 cells
  5. ATK 20000%/AoE: 7x7 cells

ATK% = -100 + 1000 + 3800 x Skill Level.

ATK% = + 10 x POW.

ATK% = x Base Level / 100.

ATK% = Right Hand Weapon's weight / 10 x Weapon Level

Charging Pierce 10 counter = 2x skill damage.

Item Boosts Equipment Combo Boosts

630009.pngPoenitentia Catapulta [2]

630027.pngJupiter Spear [2]

630028.pngMuqaddas Banjiiraa [2]

311140.pngIce Magic Orb (Hundred Wave)

311274.pngGlacier Magic Orb (Madness Crusher)

312203.pngDragon Knight Soul (Madness Crusher)

400227.pngHelm of Faith II (Rune Knight) [1] + 630013.pngVivatus Fides Lance [2]

400374.pngCrown of Good and Evil (Dragon Knight) [1] + 312014.pngGood Spell + 630027.pngJupiter Spear [2]

400374.pngCrown of Good and Evil (Dragon Knight) [1] + 630027.pngJupiter Spear [2]

312014.pngGood Spell + 312449.pngGood Vigor (Dragon Knight)

4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Dragonic BreathDragonic Breath

Basic Info Skill Animation Description Formula
  • Max Level 10
  • Active Physical Ranged
  • Single Other Target
  • Ignores Defense
  • Can damage Traps
  • Range 9 Cells
  • Hit Count: 2x Visual
  • Element: Weapon
  • AP Recovery: 2
  • Costs: 88 SP
  • CastTime(ms): 1000 / 1500 / 2000
  • AfterCastActDelay(ms): 150
  • Cooldown(ms): 500
  • FixedCastTime(ms): 500
4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Dragonic Breath

Can only be used while riding an Dragon.
Embracing the dragon's power in its body, it exhales a powerful dragon breath towards the target, inflicting ranged physical damage while ignoring physical defense of the target and surrounding enemies in it's range. Damage increases or decreases according to the caster's MaxHP and MaxSP.
Damage additionally increases according to the caster's Base Level and POW.
If the caster is under the Dragonic Aura effect, it increases the damage ratio from the caster's MaxHP and MaxSP.

  1. ATK 400%/AoE: 7x7 cells
  2. ATK 750%/AoE: 7x7 cells
  3. ATK 1100%/AoE: 7x7 cells
  4. ATK 1450%/AoE: 7x7 cells
  5. ATK 1800%/AoE: 7x7 cells
  6. ATK 2150%/AoE: 9x9 cells
  7. ATK 2500%/AoE: 9x9 cells
  8. ATK 2850%/AoE: 9x9 cells
  9. ATK 3200%/AoE: 9x9 cells
  10. ATK 3550%/AoE: 9x9 cells

ATK% = -100 + 50 + 350 x Skill Level.

ATK% = + 7 x POW.

ATK% = x Base Level / 100.

Dragonic Aura Buff =

ATK% = + 3 x POW

ATK% = (Skill Level x (MaxHP x 25 / 100) x 7) / 100

ATK% = (Skill Level x (MaxSP x 50 / 100) x 7) / 100

or else

ATK% = + (Skill Level x (MaxHP x 25 / 100) x 5) / 100

ATK% = + (Skill Level x (MaxSP x 50 / 100) x 5) / 100

Item Boosts Equipment Combo Boosts

400529.pngDimensions Crown (Dragon Knight) [1]

630027.pngJupiter Spear [2]

630041.pngDimensions Dragon Lance [2]

311138.pngIce Magic Orb (Dragonic Breach)

311443.pngGlacier Flower Spell (Dragonic Breath)

312302.pngDragon Knight Soul (Dragonic Breath)

400374.pngCrown of Good and Evil (Dragon Knight) [1] + 312014.pngGood Spell + 630027.pngJupiter Spear [2]

400374.pngCrown of Good and Evil (Dragon Knight) [1] + 630027.pngJupiter Spear [2]

312014.pngGood Spell + 312449.pngGood Vigor (Dragon Knight)

630041.pngDimensions Dragon Lance [2] + 400529.pngDimensions Crown (Dragon Knight) [1]

4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Dragonic AuraDragonic Aura

Basic Info Skill Animation Description Formula
  • Max Level 10
  • Active Physical Ranged
  • Single Other Target
  • Range 7 Cells
  • Element: Weapon
  • AP Recovery: 2
  • Costs: 100 SP, 150 AP
  • AfterCastActDelay(ms): 500
  • Cooldown(ms): 60000
  • Can be dispelled.
4th Job Dragon Knight Skill Dragonic Aura

Inflicts large ranged physical damage to the target and increases the damage of Dragon Breath, Dragon Breath - Water and Hundred Spear for 300 seconds.
Damage additionally increases according to the caster's Base Level and POW.
Deals additional damage against Demi-Human and Angel monsters.
Upon learning Dragonic Aura, P.ATK and POW will increase the influence of the Dragon Training skill on the Dragon Breath and Dragon Breath - Water damage.

  1. ATK 3650%/3800%(Demi-Human/Angel)
  2. ATK 7300%/7600%(Demi-Human/Angel)
  3. ATK 10950%/11400%(Demi-Human/Angel)
  4. ATK 14600%/15200%(Demi-Human/Angel)
  5. ATK 18250%/19000%(Demi-Human/Angel)
  6. ATK 21900%/22800%(Demi-Human/Angel)
  7. ATK 25550%/26600%(Demi-Human/Angel)
  8. ATK 29200%/29200%(Demi-Human/Angel)
  9. ATK 32850%/34200%(Demi-Human/Angel)
  10. ATK 36500%/38000%(Demi-Human/Angel)

ATK% = -100 + 3650 x Skill Level.

ATK% = + 10 x POW.

ATK% Demihuman/Angel = 150 x Skill Level

ATK% = x Base Level / 100.

Dragonic PierceDragonic Pierce

Basic Info Skill Animation Description Formula
  • Max Level 5
  • Active Physical Ranged
  • Multiple Other Targets
  • Range 7 Cells
  • Element: Weapon
  • AP Recovery: 2
  • Costs: 45,50,55,60,65 SP
  • Cast Time(ms): 500
  • Fixed Cast Time(ms): 300
  • AfterCastActDelay(ms): 750
  • Cooldown(ms): 500
  • Can be dispelled.

Dragonic Pierece

Two-handed spear exclusive skill.

Can only be used while riding an Dragon.
Inflicts long ranged physical damage to all targets in a straight line for 5 hits.
If the user is under Dragonic Aura buff, the skill will deal more damage.
Deals additional damage depends on user's base level and POW, has a chance to trigger critical, critical chance is the user's Cri.
The effectiveness of critical modifier is applied by half.

  1. 1450% Atk / 1600% Atk (Dragonic Aura) per hit.
  2. 2050% Atk / 2250% Atk (Dragonic Aura) per hit.
  3. 2650% Atk / 2900% Atk (Dragonic Aura) per hit.
  4. 3250% Atk / 3550% Atk (Dragonic Aura) per hit.
  5. 3850% Atk / 4200% Atk (Dragonic Aura) per hit.

ATK% = -100 + 850 + 600 x Skill Level.

ATK% = + 5 x POW.

ATK% = x Base Level / 100.

Dragonic Aura Buff =

ATK% = + 100 + 50 x Skill Level.

Charging Pierce Counter Buff =
Final ATK% = x 5% x Counter 

Related NPC

Rune Merchant

/navi prontera 168/228

NPC sells rune materials to craft runes.

Costs zeny.


12737.pngGeneral Rune, 12734.pngLuxurious Rune, 12738.pngRare Rune, 12735.pngAncient Rune, 12736.pngMystic Rune

7939.pngElder Branch, 7938.pngLight Granule

Rune Mastery Crafting Details

Product Rune Description Material required
12725.pngNauthiz Rune Embraces the refreshing energy of the rune stone, it eliminates most abnormalities and debuffs, becomes immune to any status effects.
Recovers 25% HP.
[Following abnormal status]
Stun / Sleep / Curse / Stone / Poison / Petrification / Silence / Bleeding / Confusion / Deep Sleep / Burning / Freezing / Frozen
- Guillotine Cross Poisons
- Marsh of Abyss
- Howling of Mandragora
7069.pngDestroyed Armor

7099.pngWorn-out Magic Scroll

7938.pngLight Granule

7939.pngElder Branch

12726.pngRaido Rune Using a rune stone to extract the maximum power of his weapon, it dramatically increases one time attack power of melee physical attack.
20% chance that equipped weapon will be destroyed after the skill is activated.
Effect is disabled if player doesn't attack for 30 sec, or equipment is changed or unequipped.
716.pngRed Gemstone

7938.pngLight Granule

7939.pngElder Branch

12727.pngBerkana Rune Using the power of Run Stone, summons 2-4 magical shields that defend against any damage.
The shield's defenses are the same as the caster, each with a HP of 1000.
When receving more damage than HP that shield has, the number of shields will be reduced, but the damage that exceeds HP will be ignored.
7210.pngArmor Piece of Dullahan

7939.pngElder Branch

12728.pngIsa Rune By activating the body's natural recovery capability to the limit, the effect is amplified 1.5 times when HP recovery skill or item is used on a caster.
Additionally, reduce incoming melee physical reflection damage by 50%.
7097.pngBurning Heart

7939.pngElder Branch

12729.pngOthila Rune Raisese combat consciousness using a rune stone, temporarily increases caster's attack.
ATK increases as Rune Mastery level increases.
Additionally, attack speed increases.
7002.pngOgre Tooth

7938.pngLight Granule

7939.pngElder Branch

12730.pngUruz Rune Pulls out the rune stone's mana and uses it to restore the SP.
Recovers 60 SP per 10 sec.

1048.pngHorrendous Hair

7939.pngElder Branch

12731.pngThurisaz Rune It borrows the power of ancient giants through the rune stone, and increases power of the caster.
Increases 30 STR, adds 30% chance to deal 2.5 damage when normal melee physical attacks.
When caster is a Rune Knight, increases physical damage that is based on ATK by 250%(Siege mode or PVP area by 125%).
(Rhydo Runestone : Cannot be applied to Crush Strike.)
1034.pngBlue Hair

7030.pngClaw of Desert Wolf

7939.pngElder Branch

12732.pngWyrd Rune Deals strong damage to all enemies around (7 x 7 cell) the caster.
Damage increases as Rune Mastery level, STR, and BaseLv increases. Critical damage applies based on caster's critical hit rate.
Casting cannot be canceled by damage received.
1035.pngDragon Canine

7221.pngTangled Chains

7938.pngLight Granule

7939.pngElder Branch

12733.pngHagalaz Rune By projecting the magical power of rune stone onto his own skin, he turns his HP into a hard, stone-shelled skin at some cost.
During duration, increases physical and magical armor, adds a chance to destory enemy's weapon who deals melee physical damage to a player.
Effect disappears when duration is over, or stone-shelled skin HP becomes 0.
In the case of monsters, the attack power of the monster decreases. However, this effect does not work for boss monsters.
7939.pngElder Branch

7123.pngDragon Skin

7939.pngElder Branch

22540.pngLux Anima Runestone Rune stone's magic amplifies power.
When melee physical attack, adds 15% chance to autocast Storm Blast, increase physical and critical damage to all size monsters by 30%.
Increases MHP and MSP by 30%, increase melee and range physical damage by 30%.
Cooltime : 5 sec
3x 969.pngGold

3x 7938.pngLight Granule


Dragon Knight Wallpaper Adult Version
Dragon Knight Wallpaper Adult Version
Dragon Knight Wallpaper Cute Version
Dragon Knight Wallpaper Cute Version